기능개발_2LV_스택/큐(Python/JavaScript)프로그래머스 문제풀이 2021. 6. 26. 12:53728x90
Python 풀이
하루에 완성되는 개발을 고려내기 위해 Time 변수를 어떻게 사용햇는지
from collections import deque """ Time 을 이용한 조건문 구성하기""" def solution(progresses, speeds): answer = [] p = deque(progresses) s = deque(speeds) time = 0 count = 0 while p: # print(f'1 : P : {p}, tiem : {time} , Count : {count}') if p[0] + time * s[0] >= 100: # print(f'22 : P : {p}, tiem : {time} , Count : {count}') p.popleft() s.popleft() count +=1 else: if count == 0: # print(f'333 : P : {p}, tiem : {time} , Count : {count}') time +=1 else: # print(f'4444: P : {p}, tiem : {time} , Count : {count}') answer.append(count) count = 0 answer.append(count) return answer
from collections import deque """ Time 을 이용한 조건문 구성하기""" def solution(progresses, speeds): answer = [] p = deque(progresses) s = deque(speeds) time = 0 count = 0 while p: if p[0] + time * s[0] >= 100: p.popleft() s.popleft() count +=1 else: if count == 0: time +=1 else: answer.append(count) count = 0 answer.append(count) return answer
function solution(progresses, speeds) { let answer = []; let time = 0 let count = 0 while (progresses[0]) { if (progresses[0] + (time * speeds[0]) >= 100){ progresses.shift() speeds.shift() count += 1 } else { if (count === 0){ time += 1 } else { answer.push(count) count = 0 } } } answer.push(count) return answer; }
Javascript (함수형 프로그래밍)
function* range(start = 0, stop = start, step = 1) { if (arguments.length === 1) start = 0; if (arguments.length < 3 && start > stop) step *= -1; if (start < stop) { while (start < stop) { yield start; start += step; } } else { while (start > stop) { yield start; start += step; } } } function map(f) { return function* (iter) { for (const a of iter) yield f(a); } } function filter(f) { return function* (iter) { for (const a of iter) if (f(a)) yield a; } } function take(limit) { return function* (iter) { for (const a of iter) { yield a; if (--limit === 0) break; } } } function reduce(f) { return function (acc, iter) { if (!iter) acc = (iter = acc[Symbol.iterator]()).next().value; for (const a of iter) acc = f(acc, a); return acc; } } function each(f) { return function(iter) { for (const a of iter) f(a); return iter; } } function go(arg, ...fs) { return reduce((arg, f) => f(arg))(arg, fs); } const head = ([a]) => a; const find = (f) => (iter) => head(filter(f)(iter)); function inc(parent, k) { parent[k] ? parent[k]++ : (parent[k] = 1); return parent; } const countBy = (f) => (iter) => reduce((counts, a) => inc(counts, f(a)))({}, iter); const identity = a => a; const count = countBy(identity); const groupBy = (f) => (iter) => reduce( (group, a, k = f(a)) => ((group[k] = (group[k] || [])).push(a), group) )({}, iter); function* entries(obj) { for (const k in obj) yield [k, obj[k]]; } function* values(obj) { for (const k in obj) yield obj[k]; } const isFlatable = a => a != null && !!a[Symbol.iterator] && typeof a !== 'string'; function* flat(iter) { for (const a of iter) isFlatable(a) ? yield* a : yield a; } function zip(a) { return function* (b) { a = a[Symbol.iterator](); b = b[Symbol.iterator](); while (true) { const { value, done } = a.next(); const { value: value2, done: done2 } = b.next(); if (done && done2) break; yield [value, value2]; } } } function concat(...args) { return flat(args); } const dayCount = periods => reduce(([counts, total_period], period) => total_period < period ? [inc(counts, counts.length), period] : [inc(counts, counts.length-1), total_period])([[], 0], periods); function solution(progresses, speeds) { /* zip 을 이용해 작업의 진도와 개발 속도를 문제를 편하게 해결하기 위해 [93, 1], [30, 30] , [55, 5] 과 같이 만들어줌 이때, zip은 well foremd iterator를 반환 map 을 이용해 작업일을 계산하여 배열로 변경함. 이때 Math.ceil 로 결과값을 올려 정수로 받음. dayCount 함수에서 작업일 배열을 받아, reduce로 배포일 배열을 만듬 2차원 배열의 식에 이용되는 마지막 요소를 제외한 첫번째 배열을 head로 출력. [ [ 2, 1 ], 9 ] */ return go( zip(progresses)(speeds), map(([progress, speed]) => Math.ceil((100 - progress) / speed)), dayCount, head ) }
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